12Application patent and method patent completed
07Application patent and method patent subscription
06«Aerial Lift Truck» application development
04Contract with Hana ENG Co., Ltd
03Contract with Giheung Industrial Co., Ltd.
01Contract with JJY Corporation, Doum Corporation, AJ Agency and more (8 companies)
04Export to Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, India and etc.
02Decision to start the development of «Aerial Lift Truck» application
01«Jangbi Machinery Co., Ltd» export company established
10Contract with Jiton Group
09First start to leasing of Horyong (45M)
06PR performance realization of Jangbee company
01Contract with Retech TDA
03Launching exterior wall cleaning business by using high-altitude work equipment
02Start to leasing of aerial lift truck
01Start to purchase and sale of used cranes
10Company registered as a legal entity
07Contract with Kohyo Industrial Co., Ltd
06Start to purchase and sale of used aerial lift truck with all manufacturers
05Obtaining a permit for trading activities and opening company